Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Aries lagan and ruby
In aries lagan sun is loard of fifth house and sun and lagan  loard is marse have a good friendly relations. So s un is best planate in aries lagan. By putting ruby any person get sudden economic benifits and fame or name. If aries lagan any person no have any child. by putting ruby he can get child. by putting this stone any person get a goodreasult for his childres. He can get a good news from children and lottery and shares. It increase sources of income and get good oppurtunates of progress and permotion


  1. After reading this article i have put on Rubi stone in ring-finger and suddenly after 3 months i have got tremendous benefits related like education, wealth as well as career related problems. I like your method of putting stone rather than other traditional methods.

  2. After reading the above article i have put in my ring-finger ruby stone. Its effect has shown me changes in my life as well as in my career. I like your article.
    Thanks a lot sir
