If any person's horoscope the
Mercury is situated in own sign jaminiand vergo or it becomes lord of good
houses, than it gives a lot of good result in this period. In this period a
persong get good education and
Success in competitive
examinations. If he is studying in music,
engendering, art, mathematics and law, he will success in these subjects and
get good carrier in these field. In this period he may go in education, research, law and computer. He get success in
writing, auditing and lectureship.
Dr. Brahamdutt Sharma
Ph.D. (Astro)
Ph.D. (Pol. Science) M.A. M.phil, Net, LL.B.,
D-10-C, Jamuna Nagar, Sodala, Jaipur-302019,
Mobile : +91 93148 78977, +91 93515 93577
Email : brahamjyotishvastu@gmail.com
Websites :
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